Saturday, June 23, 2012

Today's events

What a day!

The morning started off by going to see Disney/Pixar's new movie Brave.  Vinny and Katie are still so little that they need booster seats in the theatre.  Brave was a movie that we all thoroughly enjoyed.  Janet loves that there is now a new Disney princess. And Marco and Vinny loved all the rowdy male humor in the movie.  Katie, well. . . she almost fell asleep in my lap.  So there's no telling what was her favorite about the movie.  For me the most enjoyable part was that no one spilled their popcorn, or drink during the movie.  The kids weren't fighting during the movie.  And amazingly enough (insert drumroll), no one had to use the bathroom during the movie.

We spent the afternoon swimming at Papa's house.  He's such a great Papa to not mind us coming over most every day during the summer.

Now that we're home, Marco's mowing the lawn.  And I've got to get laundry and dishes done.  Yuck!